Minutes from 28 January 2004 Planning Commission meeting

AGENDA ITEM 3(A)3: SP-101-03 – St. Augustine’s Track and Football Stadium
This site is bounded by Oakwood Avenue, North State Street, Glascock Street, Hill Street and Milburnie Road. The site plan proposes the stadium and track to be located on the northern portion of the site adjacent to North State Street and Glascock Street. The site is within the City Limits.
This request is to approve a proposed track and football stadium with a 5,000 seat bleacher structure and associated on-site parking with 1,000 spaces. The site is 94.2 acres zoned Office & Institutional-1 (southern half of site) and O&I-1 Conditional Use (northern half of site). This plan requires preliminary site plan approval in accordance with 10-2132.2(c)(1)I. as this plan proposes vehicular surface parking areas that are within 400’ of residential uses. There is a pending Special Use Permit for the Stadium in accordance with 10-2145.
Mr. Thompson was excused from this case.
Planner Darges presented the case. She noted that numerous telephone calls were received from adjacent property owners who are opposed to the project.
Bezelle Washington, representing the applicant, was available for questions.
Representatives of the college explained how the proposed stadium will enhance the college and community, bring the college community together, and help develop student athletes (physically and mentally).
Surrounding neighbors indicated that they are opposed to the project as presented because the proposed stadium will generate traffic, increase vehicular traffic and cause parking problems for the community. The neighbors are also concerned about the lack of communication between the college and the community on the proposed project. The neighbors presented the commission with a booklet outlining the concerns of the community and a petition signed by neighbors (Capital Heights and Madonna Acres) who are opposed to the project.
There was discussion regarding: the proposed stormwater management facility, how the stormwater management facility will function, how the stormwater management facility will be protected, lighting, if a Neighborhood Overlay Conservation District has been established for the proposed area, if pedestrian connections will be provided on the proposed vehicular path on Milburnie Drive, if the stadium will be restricted to only football and track events, how the traffic flow was evaluated, who would be responsible for stripping the streets, the difference between the site plan and special use permit procedure, and where would school buses enters and park at the proposed stadium.
Mr. Cutler moved to refer the case to the Committee of the Whole as further discussion take place between the college and the neighbors. Mr. Trotter seconded the motion, but a vote was not taken.
Mr. Trotter made a substitute motion to refer the case to the February 3, 2004 Committee of the Whole meeting for further review. Mr. Cutler seconded the motion. The vote was not unanimous, 9-1, with Dr. Mallette voting in the negative.

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